How to destroy a Dodge Sundance

What better way to round out what was basically car week ? Fog scares me. The reason for that was an eery drive to school in my 1991 Dodge Sundance. It was March of 1995 and I was taking the back way to school. Well, one of the back ways. I had about 10 different routes to take. The Lake Elmo Airport, the train tracks bottom right, the road top right. It was my second most complicated trip to school possible. Take 10th St. North to Nolan Avenue. Take a right and speed. A lot. Do 50 MPH in a 35 MPH zone until you're out by the farms. Then do 60. You end up on Neal Avenue. Then hang a left on 30th and whiz past the Lake Elmo Airport, pictured right. I remember three things about that drive. 1. I turned off the radio because it was surreal driving in the thick fog. 2. I saw one car go past me in 5 minutes of back-road driving. 3. This is the thickest fog I, to this date, have ever seen. My ill-fated Sundance ended up on Manning Avenue. I proceeded toward school carefully and noticed...