Photo (inthe) Shop

You shouldn't be reading this right now. Not because you have better things to do — which you surely should. No, this is supposed to be a cute little non-sequitur about taking The Dog to the beach for the first time. She's a lab. She'll like to swim, right? And they can be off-leash on the beach until Memorial Day. Perfect blog fodder! Especially for a weekend.

First, a scene setter.

Exciting, right?
And then our first action shot! Well, not really. She didn't do much of anything.

I have a tennis ball.
About 3 minutes into the experience, all was more or less well. She wouldn't play in the water, but she's young. She'll learn.
I would much rather look at you, glorious owner.

See that rock behind her? That would be the rock I dropped the camera on, cracking the protective lens.

Smooth, right? That's the kind of year 2011 has been. I buy a fancy anti-barking device, leave it atop the dog's crate and the dog breaks it. The Wife makes a big deal out of wanting a secret vacation in May and then I blurt out a possible destination in the midst of a serious conversation. And then I say, "Damn it!" Because I am smooth.

Is there a Mulligan for a year? I'll take one. Send me to the grocery store for eggs and I'll come back with three other things and no eggs. My driver's side car door was destroyed the other night in a parking lot. My dog died. My new dog likes to get up a. 5:30 a.m. I work until midnight. Strangely, this is a problem for me.

And so, I need a new camera or a possibly expensive camera repair on a $200 camera. I don't have $200 for a new one. So, get ready for clip art. Lots and lots of clip art. I'll try to work in a shot or two of Bryon Russell.
Afterward in the parking lot, testing the broken camera. It works, but the lens will be scratched in 20 minutes.


  1. Bryon Russell! You know how to keep your readers interested! 19-3-2.

  2. I once saw a girl put her camera in a sock since she lost the case. We were on a tour bus in San Francisco and while going across the Golden Gate, the sock blew away without her noticing. Moral of the story? If you can't keep track of your camera case, you are going to have a lot of mismatched socks!


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