You deserve better than this

You will get a second blog today. This isn't good enough. Normally, I find time to pre-blog when I know I'm going to have a busy night at work. Not that I blog at work. That would be a misuse of time. I usually do a quick spell check. If by "spell check" you mean "all of it."

And so, with 17.5 seconds left in an NBA game that none of you and possibly none of our tens of thousands of readers care about, I'm coming to you live. As it were.

It's around this time you begin to question your career. Yes, sports journalism sounds awesome. You get to go to games and stuff. They don't tell you about the late nights, pretty much every night. There was no warning about working every Friday and Saturday night for the fist five years of your marriage. Not that TW minded all that much.

But nobody wants to hear complaints about work. It's a lot like everybody else's jobs, except the widgets we're working with are box scores and terribly worded stories from freelancers who don't bother to re-read their fine prose before sending it to us. Really, it starts to feel like that. I'm exaggerating.

TW had to go to Florida to visit my in-laws one year because the Utah Jazz made a playoff run. Have you ever had to cancel a vacation because of an NBA team? Or work, even?

But nobody wants to hear about that. They only want to hear this: Chicago 96, Indiana 90. I get to go home now. More later.


  1. I've only had to cancel vacations because of death in the family and retina operations, but as you'll remember that even in Valley News sports, there are times of year you just can't schedule vacation s...

  2. I hear that, Jim.
    I was asked to "temporarily"replace the SLC AP's sports writer when he had to take medical retirement (MS). "One year," the COB said.
    Six years later, had covered national championship college football, two NBA championship series, an NBA All-Star game and countless other college football, basketball, skiing and gymnastics events.
    They made me an "AP Sports Writer."
    I hated it. They refused to let me give it up. That, along with other things -- exhausting skeds, an insane superior -- led me to the Trib.

  3. N-B-A! N-B-A! Even though I think you're bashing it. 29-4-3.

  4. Brennan had to cancel a week-long family vacation one year because of work. The rest of my family was going, so I took my step-niece (19 yrs old) in my van with my small children. That was the catalyst to the job search. (While it sucked not to have Brennan with us, my step-niece was so lovely I wish I could always travel with her).


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