A cookie addendum and something healthy

It's raining and cool here in Maine today. Good thing I stocked up on groceries for cooking. It will be a thai peanut pasta (with rice noodles), a seven-layer casserole and a sweet potato casserole that doesn't contain marshmallows.

Speaking of sugar, here are two additions to the Ex-Girlfriend Cookies:

1. Peanut butter. Add a cup of peanut butter to the mix and subtract half the butter to the original recipe. One suggestion: Peanut Butter and Co. dark chocolate peanut butter. It's usually available at any Target Greatland. The cinnamon raisin kind is even better. Maybe that would be good, too. If you've made it this far, you probably eat right anyway, but for the record: Use any peanut butter that doesn't have hydrodgenated oil, which is horrible for you.

2. Purchase some double-stuff'd Oreos. Wrap the cookie dough around the Oreo. Thank me later. Then go for a 5-mile run.

Oh, I'm sorry. You don't like sugar. Here is a simple ... thing ... salad? .... that I make and eat throughout the week. Actually, it usually doesn't last 48 hours. And it takes about 15 minutes to make. NOTE: I found a Paula Dean version of this recipe. Somehow she worked in 3/4 of a stick of butter.

1 package of broccoli slaw (yes, it's an actual thing sold in grocery stores, usually right next to pre-mixed salad bags)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup slivered almonds (OPTIONAL)
1 bunch green onions sliced thin
1 package ramen noodles — crumple them while still in the bag. That's the easiest way to get them ready.
1 pound of diced chicken

Combine all these elements in a salad bowl. Then add the dressing:
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup oil
3 teaspoons sugar
Pepper. Dear God, use lots of it. I estimate I use 2 tablespoons. Start with 1 TBSP and go up.

See? I can cook healthy, too.


  1. I like broccoli slaw. The salad, minus the chicken for all the vegetarians out there, sounds good too. I love almonds and other nuts in salads. Sorry, Jackie!

    Let's be real. The Oreos are the star of this blog. 27-4-3.


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