New Year, Same Blog

Quasi-resolution No. 1: Play more games with these guys at the Bear.

The Wife does *not* understand me.

Gratuitous Daisy picture.
This is not breaking news. Do not hold the presses. We knew this.

TW, and much of the Western Hemisphere, takes the new year as a time for self-reflection, to further shine and hone the diamond that is life. And to her credit, TW comes up with laudable improvement goals such as volunteering more time and further defining personal aspirations.

For me, a new year represents two things: 1. The start of tax return preparation; 2. Orange purchasing season. The naval oranges at Hannaford are amazing. I'm eating two a night at work. They are a glorious break from apples, which I normally eat hand over fist at my desk. I am that guy.

Beyond that, a new year doesn't mean much. However, this flies in the face of orthodoxy. How can you possibly want to improve if you don't re-evaluate?

There are two styles of change. The first is dramatic. You shave off all your hair one day, stop eating meat and learn karate. That's dramatic. The other style is little things. I've done the dramatic thing, though shaving off my hair was more of a necessity than a huge change. The little things I do every day.
Stay weird, Portland.

So here's what's stewing in my mind. It's nothing major. Perhaps you know the feeling.

I'd like to be more in touch with my friends. I rarely call anybody any more. Is this because of social media and texting? I don't know. But I have hours upon hours to myself where I could dial up a friend and have a half hour chat.

Nephew selfie.
I'd like to run a couple of half marathons this year. This entails a fairly specific set of training that must take place. It's less a resolution and more of a slog. "Oh God, I suppose I can go for a 10-miler on Sunday." Somebody, please, give me a call and prevent this training run from happening.

I'd like to study my Bible more. TW and I both work Sundays, so it's been difficult to stay in tune with God. I can work on that.

You can't help but notice how those last three paragraphs started. I'd like to. That's how my resolutions start. I'd like to, therefore I am going to. It's not a big deal. I've been working on these for months, in particular staying in closer touch with friends. Our friends are like family, and TW and I both have a dozen friends who would hop on the next plane or show up in the middle of the night if we needed something.

Mostly, life isn't that dramatic. So I'll get up tomorrow and go for a run on a treadmill, then I'll swing by Hannaford. It is orange season, after all.


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