A Heart Attack During a Wedding

I don't have a great picture of just the couple, so here's the couple plus grandma Toni. How does one officiate a wedding for the first time? Certainly not with a bunch of notecards. That would be sooooooooo 20th century. I decided to use Google Docs to write the ceremony, meaning I could just open it on an iPad during Monday's big ceremony. I downloaded the ceremony, checked and rechecked that it was fully loaded. Then, happy it was all there, I closed the iPad cover and took it to the Portland Observatory for the ceremony. Things were going fine during the ceremony. I was talking to fast but didn't really lose my place in the speech. I hadn't practiced enough to really have it nailed down but I'm confident nobody cared. There was only about 17 people there. We got to the vows. I was home free! But as I was scrolling through the bride's vows, I saw an ominous black page coming up. And an exclamation point. "Sorry! This page could not load. Please reloa...