A Smashing Conclusion to Summer

Hopefully this isn't an annual rite of passage into fall.

Cold fronts are usually windy. Minnesota farmers know that. Sailers know that. People with giant umbrellas attached to their patio furniture should know that.

I saw the thing wiggling around. But really, what's the worst that could happen?

It turns out patio umbrellas can lift up into the air above the glass and then crash back down on the table when the wind dies. That can happen.

We won't be playing pegs on the porch or doing any more dump dinners this year. That's OK. The wind from the cold front was bringing chilly air. It was 58 degrees and windy on my walk to work.

Oh well.

That's a revelatory statement for me. I'm that guy. I'm the guy with Rayndaud's Syndrome, which means cold hands and feet for six months a year. I'm the guy that doesn't like Christmas so I spend a couple of months being annoyed by decorations and sales and hubub.

But life's too short to get wrapped up in the little dramas. I had plenty of them today. I fell apart toward the end of my run and called The Wife for a pickup. The state's online vehicle registration system wasn't working and my printer wasn't working, so I had to walk to work early to print documents, then walk to city hall to pay the taxes.

Whatever. The registration took 5 minutes. TW didn't even tease me for falling apart after seven miles of running. All the putzing around has netted me 19,000 steps today and I'm at work a half hour early. Things have a way of working out.

We'll need a new patio table next spring. We've got six months to save up for that. Or maybe we'll get one for Christmas.


  1. Sounds like a good time to price an acrylic top. It's a good thing that Daisy wasn't lounging under the table when the umbrella succumbed to its Mary Poppins urge.


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