Gray Skies Are Gonna Clear Up

It would be easy, given the topic of this blog, to use today's stormy weather as a metaphor. My wife is the only person in the world, possibly, who likes it when it rains. That's perhaps why living in Utah was doomed from the start. It basically never rains there.

My wife and I are ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend, brought back together by chance. We spent months on the phone getting to re-know each other. Given my personal gray skies, I doubt that would have happened in the past six months.

I haven't been hungry for the past few months. No appetite. This is very odd. Half of my early blogs involved food of some sort or another. I've battled fat-guy syndrome all my life. But a few months ago, pretty much out of nowhere, I woke up with no hunger. Didn't want breakfast. Didn't get excited by the prospect of dinner.

Moreover, I've been avoiding my phone. I don't want to talk to anybody. I went about a month without talking to my Mom. That's unusual. We usually talk once a week, whether I want to or not. Usually, I do. (Actually, usually she tries to hang up before I'm done talking. She has no time for chit-chat. There's birds to watch.)

I haven't talked to North Star, my friend in Chicago, since Christmas. Haggis Taco, my best Utah friend, is probably mad at me for not calling him back a few times.

I have been meaning to call Tex-Mex, a friend who recently got divorced and moved back to her home state of Missouri. I have been meaning to call a friend in Vermont. I have been meaning to go to New York City.

But. I Just. Don't. Want to.

TW recognized the signs. She can do the math. She's smart like that. These are classic signs of depression.

It's not what you think it is. It's not crying. It's not sadness. It's nothing. It's being numb. It's just so ... boring. That's why I haven't wanted to talk to anybody. I don't have anything to say. I'm just SO BORING. The boredom is really kind of overwhelming.

There have been good things happening. I work out on a regimented basis. I'm getting into crazy good running shape. I'm doing 30 miles a week. Depressed people usually don't exercise. But I do. So that's good.

I'm fine. I'm just incredibly bored.

And that's why I owe a bunch of people an apology. I'm sorry I don't want to talk to you. I haven't wanted to answer my phone and I don't want to call anybody. Mostly, I'm just embarrassed at myself.

But things are getting better. Maybe I'll want to talk soon. After all, last night something amazing happened: I got hungry and made pad thai. Another small step toward normalcy.


  1. I hear ya. I've been in a funk for months. Hence, no blogging.

  2. So sorry you feel down! Thanks for sharing your feelings, that's cool of you.

  3. I didn't know you refer to me as "North Star".
    I guess it's OK.



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