Tag Team, Back Again

Snappy, the wonder lobster.
I have too much to write about. This is what happens when Matt and Amy Whaley come for a visit. If you didn't go to a high school in Minnesota and don't know Matt, just imagine a hungry lumberjack of a man who pretty much everybody knows. Kudos to our wives for putting up with their man-children.

Check out my guns.
We have so much fun with people when they come to visit. It reminds us of why Maine is a wonderful place to be. You can skip the rest of this blog and just look at a photo gallery of the visit. This gallery only covers about 24 hours of the four nights they were here.

In that time we brewed a bourbon porter in our kitchen. We went to a fancy dinner. We loitered. We went to The Great Lost Bear. We took a boat to an island and walked around. We ate lobster. We ate bacon-dusted french fries and tempura-fried bacon. Bacon.

Catching a theme here? That's right, my second chin was starting to make an appearance at the tail end of the visit from Matt and Amy. Such a wonderful time and such a terrible hangover. Not literally. No, seriously.

It didn't take long, after the last guest left, for it to sink in. I don't have a job. OhmyGodIdon'thaveajob. That feeling. I found out I'd been laid off an hour before Matt and Amy arrived. Then I gave the dog a bath, showered, and went to the airport to pick them up. No time for dealing with It.

That feeling hit Monday. What a wonderful vacation from reality. And that's where we're going to leave it for now. I am dealing with it. It is illogical. We will be fine. There will be a roof over our heads, food on the table and this blog will continue. That's not so bad. I'm sure I'll have something to say. But for now. Bacon.
Tempura fried bacon, with Nutella sauce.


  1. Sorry to hear about the job. We've had layoffs at the Trib, too. About every 3-4 months for the past year or so, and each time we get told "We don't anticipate any more layoffs, this should be it."
    It's a lot like trying for Renewal with the Carousel in Logan's Run.

  2. 1. This blog's title has inspired this to get stuck in my head.

    2. Next time you visit NYC, you must get this. I'll be happy to personally guide you to their shop.

  3. sorry man, that sucks!

    BTW, who is the Matt Whaley you speak of? He sounds like a blast to have as a friend!


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