Meet The Bane of and Reason For My Existence

No kidding, I run through this field, through the little gap in the middle there,
and up into the woods.
It's time to get back in the regular habit of ... everything. The thing about having guests come to visit is it throws everything off. It's not a bad thing. It's just a thing.

In that vein, I'm kicking the dog's ass again. Not literally. We're both being punished, in fact, with a daily run of 1.5 to 2 hours. We're exploring the massive and marvelous snowmobile system of Maine. The best part of it: There aren't many snowmobiles on it this time of year.

You'd think this is an error, except it's spelled the same way
on both sides of the sign.
That brought us to the field above. It's actually from the middle of our run in Gray, on our way Northeast to New Gloucester. We come out of the woods, run through somebody's front yard, then duck into the field you see pictured above.

The grass is about a foot deep in most places, deeper in others. Daisy tears around, running at top speed, circling around me, panting as she sprints and sometimes groaning as she cuts hard to make a turn. I know dogs can't smile, but she sure looks happy when she spots a few inches of standing water, which she pounces into while maintaining her forward momentum.

 If you live in Maine, you have to get outside in fall. It's like something out of a movie. We'll have more on that the next couple of days as I clean out my backlog of photos and stories that I've been meaning to share.

For now, I'll leave you with a Schorty. We live about 100 yards off a very busy two-lane street. There's a bakery, a gas station, a fancy restaurant and a surprisingly-fancy barber shop all within a 2-minute walk of our house.

Which brings us to Bern Side Haircutters. Well, haircutters and a dealer of historic replica swords, daggers and "etc." I don't know how you deal in et cetera. But they do.

It looks like a nice enough place at night, when the lights are on inside and it's easy to peep inside. That's right, I look. Close your blinds, people. It's that simple.

But they can't spell, and I notice these things. I point it out because I think it's funny when a business isn't even close. Hence the photo of the sign up there. "We Recommed Us" their sign read a couple of weeks ago. Maybe they ran out of letters? I don't think so. It was spelled that way on both sides of the sign.

Clearly, I wasn't the only one who noticed. They left the sign up for a week or two before replacing it Monday. "Haircuts." That's what it says on the Bern Side Haircutters sign now. Haircuts. It's simple and to the point. Unlike this blog. Kudos to them for keeping it simple.

And now, speaking of random and convoluted, here's one random photo from the visit of Matt and Amy to Maine.

She's getting her camera out for me to take a picture.


  1. That photo of the field and forest beyond is definitely a lure to run. Beautiful.


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