On Journalism, and the Layoff

There are a few threads that run through our lives that, if you think about it, you realize how thin those threads are. My marriage is a well-covered example of that. But the second-most important aspect of my life goes back to a pretty random moment. Writing has never come easily to me. I'm not a wordsmith in the 75-words-per-sentence sense. I can't weave a complicated series of thoughts into one line. Keep it simple. State your facts. Move on to the next item. I'm not a Hemmingway fan so don't even start talking about newspapermen and their writing habits. Until the middle of high school, I was pretty convinced I was going to be a chemical engineer. That's from an era when I thought it was mostly mixing stuff in beakers and causing fires. There's still an element of that , but chemical engineering is mostly math 'n' stuff. I'm good at math, but not that good. I realized that about the time I was dragging down the class average in pre-calculous. I w...