This Is the View Out My Front Door

That's a big boaaaaaaat (Minnesota accent).
The one negative, the only drawback, when we have out-of-town guests is this blog suffers. That's why there were four or five straight days with no posts. The parents were in town.

Our first guests came just over a year ago, my uncle and my cousin. I had no idea what to do with them. We didn't have TV service, though we had Netflix. I didn't know the good restaurants and I didn't know what they might want to do on their visit.

Fast forward a year and we've got this thing down pat. The parents and I spent one day running up into the mountains, checking out the hill country. Another, we climbed the Portland Observatory (that's where the picture at the top of this blog is from) and hung out downtown. We ate out at least once a day. We took the dog on hikes. And everywhere, really. Daisy was a constant companion, for fear she will destroy the house if left alone.

And then they're gone and you're back trying to find the groove. I was in The Groove before they arrived, exercising and eating right. We love having guests, but does anyone else find it hard to stay in The Groove when guests are in town? It's like an excuse to eat lard straight out of a fryer.

To be clear to my Mom, who reads this blog from time to time, I'm blaming myself here. It's like I'm looking for an excuse to eat bad food; failing that, it's an excuse to not worry about eating right. Either way, as noted early, that's the only drawback to having guests.

Oh, have I mentioned our tiny bathroom? We have a small bathroom. Only one in the house. That's not pleasant, either.


  1. I believe a more accurate Minnesota pronunciation might be something like "bo-wit." At least, that's how I find myself saying it. And then I want to stick a pencil in both ears until it pierces my brain so I will never hear it come from my mouth again. Only it does.

  2. BEING a guest has its pitfalls, too, when trying to stay in a groove of fitness and proper nutrition. Doable, especially if you eat out a lot at places that know how to make salads and cook vegetables, but still a struggle.

    As for bathrooms, well, wherever you and T-Dubs live next, we recommend finding a place with two sets of facilities. VITAL to domestic tranquility ...

  3. You seem like a good host. You put in the effort. That's really all that matters. 75-5-8.


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