Storm Update #5: It's all over

Crazy thing, this Irene. The storm's eye hasn't passed us, on a North-South parallel, and we're done with the rain.

The damage thus far: a branch fell down the street, landing on the power wire but not breaking it; My phone will not email photos to my hotmail account, so that I can post photos on this blog. That is all.

I'd say we are unscathed. I know other people, downcoast and inland, have experienced worse. I hope your power comes on soon and that your lives are more or less normal soon. We will be enjoying delivered Chinese food tonight and thinking of you.

That's right. Irene is ending with hot and sour soup.


  1. All in all, two thumbs up to the hurricane coverage. I would have liked pictures of you live blogging out in the storm. That's my favorite part about hurricane coverage, all the reporters up and down the coast reporting live in 100 mph winds and downpours. I'm glad you're alive. I'm evaluating all the hurricane coverage right here: 68-5-7.


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