Rankings Suck, Long Live Rankings!
Isn't it a little odd for an area with average summer highs of 80 degrees to have a big water park? I have a one-track mind. When I extol the virtues of Portland, I pretty much limit myself to beer and bacon-dusted french fries. Wouldn't you? It has become clear to me today that my vision might be a little too narrow. For the 92 percent of you who would not limit themselves to beer and bacon-dusted fries (and by the way, you're wrong for not limiting yourself), I present independent verification of our status as a cool place to be. JRuss, who is not a tall black man, pointed out to me that GQ magazine – I am, of course, a devoted reader and subscriber of that fine publication – has ranked Portland one of the top eight small-city destinations for a vacation. You bet your sweet Aunt Sally I'll be doing this. It's only $15! With around 60,000 people in the metro area, about the size of Winona, MN, this is not a big place. But, I venture to say, Portland offers signifi...