Scenes From a Week Spent Hobbling Like a 100-Year-Old

The tortoise does, in fact, beat the hare, in this photo.
It was cuter and more reptilian than anticipated.
I have done nothing in the past week. No grocery runs. No laundry. Until the last 12 hours, the most exciting thing ever was going to the park with Choco. We ran into a snapping turtle. She smelled it like it was a vacuum cleaner, then ran away like it was a vacuum cleaner.

If you don't own a dog, you don't understand that reference.

A hobble through the park a few days ago was what the doctor ordered. It was sunny and warm. It was cloudy with a high of 57 today.

If it was possible, she would stay in this position
while I go to work, shop for groceries or do anything.
My days have been spent in the backyard, dog present. Sometimes, dog in my lap, stifling my breathing. She's 51.5 pounds now. When informed of this weight gain (up from 49), TW's text message response: "Noooooooooo!"

Yes, it's summer in New England. There was an epic beer run. Then the beer was consumed in the backyard.

But change is brewing. More on that tomorrow.

The bonus of not taking care of the house? Giant flowers!

For Dad: Lupines!


  1. Is that really your house? 50-5-5.

    We've reached the half century mark!


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