P90X and the Salt Mine That is This Blog

What you can't hear is my dog yipping at me from the car, 100 feet away.

I'm sick. That's why you're reading this, a stat-filled, hodge-podge blog. Damnit, it's your right as an American blog reader to have the truth.

Just for fun.
* Why do you keep referring to P90X? It's my nickname for this blog experiment of mine. I committed to blogging 90 times every week day to provide some consistent entertainment to friends and whomsoever chances upon this blog. We're about halfway through and are getting about 100 page views a day, which is fine.

* Actually, you might not be an American. Or in America, at least. Peru (hi, Ross and Yesika!), Canada (Brit!) and the United Kingdom (Andy Stevens!) keep checking in regularly. But Denmark? Why has this blog been viewed 25 times in Denmark?

My Mother approves.
* Funniest Google searches to find this blog: "double stuff oreo hydrogenated oils"
"red leather pants" -- Yes.
"Dave Nevanen"

* Viva Firefox! The most popular browser to access this page is Firefox.

* Most popular posts: The "How I Met My Wife" series is the leader by far the favorite, with episode 1 racking up about 400 page views. The Note to the PA Class of 2012 has proven its staying power, getting a few views each day. It's the most-viewed post outside of the Wife series. And there's the cookie recipe, which people seem to like.


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