April Showers Bring May Showers

I hang around too many photographers.
Before starting with the normal jocularity,  I'd be remiss if I didn't say hello to our new Russian readers. There were 73 page views yesterday of this blog from Russia. That's about 73 higher than normal. Normally, this would be a source only of amusement. But since my personal information was among the 70 million stolen from the PlayStation network, it's entirely possible somebody is trying to gleen information about me.

Sorry about placing that fraud alert on my credit! As a Russian minor, I can translate that: Davaytya ceegrayum futbol! OK, that means "Let's go play soccer!" Also, I don't have a cyrillic keyboard.

But anyway. Thanks for joining in the fun. Now let's hear about flowers.

I drive by a little park with giant flower beds every day on my way to work. They rotate the flowers in there based on the season, so there's frequently something blooming throughout the summer and early fall.

Riveting, nyet?

In the spirit of doing something this week, I swung by today to take some pictures. It was marvelous. Almost good enough to make me forget the impending rain. But I won't complain. I've got a steady stream of friends in Minnesota and Utah on my Facebook news feed that are taking care of the complaining for all of us.

Da! Preevyet! Dos Vedanya gloopaya golova!

Cold weather is no fun, but it's spring, people. The tulips tell me so. Let's get out there and enjoy it.


  1. Saying hello to the new Russian readers made me laugh out loud. And, tulips are pretty. 37-5-4.


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