Mormons and lobster

That's it right up there in the headline. Mormons and lobster. That's my sense of humor. This post has nothing to do with Mormons or lobster, per se. It's that those two posts have been the most popular on this still-in-the-fetal-position blog. I thought it would be interesting/funny to make that the headline. But at some point, I intend to write about Utah again. And lobsters again.

My name is Jim and I'm a male blogger. We're in uncharted territory, as far as my blog knowledge goes. I have several friends with sports-related blogs (one here). I enjoy a baseball-related blog and a sports website that's basically a blog. But this blog has nothing to do with sports. As I put it to The Wife recently, all well-known bloggers are women. Conversely, it's also possible that the only blogs I am exposed by are through my wife, and therefore geared toward women.

Either way, I'm a male blogger and this blog isn't about sports. This fits well with my role in life. *Ahem* There's no way to say this gently. I like things that girls usually like. And I'm all right with that. I like cooking and grocery shopping. Doing laundry and the dishes isn't that big of a deal and I'm known for providing back rubs to The Wife on a regular basis. I also like buffalo wings and beer, so let's not go too far with this analogy. Or let's. It could make for some fun discussion on FB or down below.

What is this blog about? Mormon lobsters, obviously.

What I actually have planned is less subversive than Mormon lobsters – I'm just repeating that phrase as often as possible so this blog shows up high in the Google search results when people Google Mormon lobsters. Many (2) people have asked what this blog is about. I didn't know blogs were about anything. Therefore, this blog is the Seinfeld of blogs. It is a blog about nothing in particular.

The goal here is to entertain. You'll get a new blog every weekday, because I hate when websites aren't updated daily. Also, you may be aware I had a bit of a meltdown the other day. I've decided I need a project. Something to keep my mind off the obvious things that will be going on in the next year. That sounded ominous. I liked that. I'll just leave that hanging. Maybe I'll come back to it. Maybe not. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, I promise to get back to more Maine-centric and New England-themed posts. More photos taken by my camera and rotated so they're not sideways. And the door is open for suggestions. I live near an ocean, mountains, Boston, New York, Quebec and  lots of beer. I welcome your suggestions. Edit: The Wife would prefer you *not* suggest skydiving.


  1. What about your friend who has a political blog about Latin America, I know that this will be of great interest to all those in New England. Maine lobster exports to Bolivia anybody

  2. I like Seinfeld and I'm glad you didn't kill another lobster. 10-1-1.


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