Best of the best
Links and accumulated information from the week:
Best blog of the week
No contest here. Jim vs. the Mormons was the best thing I wrote. Clearly a few days off and religious conflict are the way to go.
Best thing I read
Normally I read a lot of random things on the Internet. I don't have much of a life. Though this was a busy week, I found time to spot this gem. A writer took all the comments on a Fox News story about Barack Obama choosing his brackets. Said writer turned the comments into one continuous editorial. Hillarious.!5783412/barack-obama-is-an-irresponsible-anti+american-frat-boy-according-to-pro+american-internet-commenters
Best website you haven't visited
I think it's OK for all ages, but I'm pretty liberal.
Best thing about next week
The Sweet 16 is coming, but I'm looking forward to a blog post wherein I explain myself. I'm Jim and I'm a male blogger.
Best blog of the week
No contest here. Jim vs. the Mormons was the best thing I wrote. Clearly a few days off and religious conflict are the way to go.
Best thing I read
Normally I read a lot of random things on the Internet. I don't have much of a life. Though this was a busy week, I found time to spot this gem. A writer took all the comments on a Fox News story about Barack Obama choosing his brackets. Said writer turned the comments into one continuous editorial. Hillarious.!5783412/barack-obama-is-an-irresponsible-anti+american-frat-boy-according-to-pro+american-internet-commenters
Best website you haven't visited
I think it's OK for all ages, but I'm pretty liberal.
Best thing about next week
The Sweet 16 is coming, but I'm looking forward to a blog post wherein I explain myself. I'm Jim and I'm a male blogger.
Male blogger. 8-1-1.