How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Blog

This is essentially what TW looks like in every way. The Wife* doesn't know this blog exists. It's not like it's intentional; as this is being typed I have no idea what the web address for this blog is. Which just goes to say: It'e been a while. Welcome back readers. *This is The Wife's chosen and preferred blog nickname, in part because it signifies the opposite of our non-patriarchal relationship. This disclaimer is needed in 2018. This is not a mushy, gushy Valentine's Day blog. If you want the feels, head over here to hear about how we became a couple. We're past mushy and gushy, and honestly, that's kind of a problem. TW is pragmatic. So is her husband. And after years of being together in a marriage, you sort of forget how to give the other person a romantic treat. As a result, we are pretty boring. In fact, erase the "pretty boring" and make that VERY boring. We wake up. I drink coffee (shipped from Duluth). TW showers and...