Hashtag #PoundSign

Possibly the most Maine photo ever taken. We have owned a home in Maine for three months and 20 days. In that time, we have had 10 groups of visitors spend time with us. We are thankful that people still like us, though we live in a faraway corner of the country. But people seem to like it. Of those 10 groups of visitors, Belle liked it so much here that she decided to move from Boston to Maine. Another, Diesel, started applying to jobs here after his May visit. And this weekend, Hashtag, started openly figuring out what it would take for her to move here. It's always nice when people like where you live. They Instagrammed everything. This is, of course, the best possible time of year to visit Maine. The weather certainly put on a show for Hashtag and #PoundSign, who were visiting from New York City (Brooklyn) and La Crosse, Wis., respectively. They were friends of The Wife's in college before I co-opted them via social media. There are many different types of vacationers, we h...