Pre-op, Shabop

The problem area.
Dance, monkey, dance.

That's this blog's motto. Starting Wednesday, the music will be turned off for a while. I can hear you complaining already. "But you just had a break, you stunningly handsome Maine resident you," the throng cries.

In May, I needed a break after a long winter. I don't need a break now, but I am forced to take one, due to the knee thing. It's not, it turns out, a meniscus tear. It's a bone growth (right distal femur) that's quite large. It acts like, hurts like and resembles a torn meniscus. It's not a torn meniscus.

In the long run, that's good news. There's no arthritis risk with this problem. I might even take up trail running later this summer.

The prognosis for the next couple of weeks is fairly grim, though it's not like there's a huge risk of dying. I'll be given a general anesthetic, so there's that. There's a small chance the growth is cancerous, so there's that. I'm more likely to die in a car accident on the way home (insert joke about TW's driving here) than I will from the surgery. It's going to hurt. I'll be on crutches. I'll also be back at work next week. That means both my paying job and this here non-paying one.

You'll get another couple of frivolous blog posts before I go under. I might be blogging in the pre-op area. Yes, I'll be that guy. Then the monkey gets a break.


  1. I'm glad you're having surgery to take care of the problem. But, surgery sucks. :( So I have to be neutral on this. 52-5-6.

  2. Prayin' for ya, Jimbo.
    Hmm. Bet you hate "Jimbo."
    If so, sorry.
    If not, it's got to be better than "Bubba," right?

  3. Is TW going to be waiting for you in recovery, or just Daisy?

  4. Jill: I see your grading conundrum.

    Bob: Call me anything but late for dinner. And thanks for the prayers.

    David: Great question. TW has some time off! That's the best part (if there's a "best" part) of this. She's home for 7 nights.


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