How Many Blogs Can You Write About Your Wife?

If you can blow up that sign over our sink, you're in for a little laugh. The Wife will celebrate the 10th anniversary of her 29th birthday tomorrow. As such, she requested no jokes be made in her birthday card. This is serious stuff. We're closer to retirement than high school graduation. And TW gets what she wants in general. On her birthday, there isn't a question. No jokes in the card. So we'll air it all out here. My handwriting, like my heart, is terrible. You might think, from reading this blog or just seeing us around town, that I am an adoring husband. You're so wrong. Take, for instance, when TW is looking for a hair tie. The unstoppable thought that runs through my head is "Just look at your feet. There's always a hair tie around." In the past two days, I've found hair ties hanging on our coat rack, buried in a shag rug and in my laundry. Over the course of our marriage, I've probably picked up 7,647 hair ties. I'm confident the...