Credence vs. Arlo

The "Nose Lecord," as I famously called it. My Dad has a song. He is unaware of this fact. But it's a fact. Like a sappy, puppy-dog-in-love teenage boy, I have a song that is my Dad's song. Don't worry. It's a manly song, full of guitar solos and stuff that makes The Wife turn the volume down. But TW wasn't home yesterday, which meant I had free reign over house cleaning, which I take to with aplomb. Yesterday was for toilet scrubbing, bathtub scouring and mopping the floor. It's amazing how much work that can feel like. Pandora helps me get through, so I put on the Zeppelin station. It's not very good, Pandora, but I was too lazy to find a decent local station to stream. About halfway through the work, Dad's song started. All bass strings, maybe a guitar playing a harmony. No drums. You probably know the California Raisins' version or Marvin Gaye's version, but in our house, Credence Clearwater Revival was and remains the only proper v...