A True Doll

Megdoll, far left, and Dolleen, far right, were 2 years old and an infant when I helped take care of them. *Sigh* People occasionally ask me to write a blog about them. For a writer, this is similar to when people ask a funny person to say something funny. Just do it! Say something! Something. The Cousins are all taller but not much has changed. But when Dolleen, a child I practically delivered with my own two hands (sarcasm) asked me to write something about her, I took the bait. The cousins are always asking me to pick a favorite. There are five cousins on my mom's side and I love them all equally. But sometimes I like one more than another. The Five Cousins are (practically) age 16 to (practically) 21. Without exception, I have changed all of their diapers and fed all of them from a bottle. I love them all the same. But at some point, friends become more important than your family. That point is roughly age 14 and continues until roughly age 17. At some point, they stop sending ...