The Battle of The Bulge, Pt. III

This can serve as a before picture, though it's from three days into my Thing. You people are making me fat. As has been mentioned, we had 13 sets of visitors spend time at our house over the course of 4.5 months. Three more sets of friends and family have trips planned for October (we'll call them the smartest of the bunch, though you're all special .) People are obviously drawn to us. That creates a good problem for this guy because people want to eat out when they visit and food has always been a challenge for me. I weighed 235 pounds the summer before 10th grade and still have stretch marks to prove it. Then I stopped eating. The "diet" was ridiculous. I skipped breakfast. Skipped lunch at school. Then I came home and had two Healthy Choice dinners, a sandwich and a Diet Coke. I was an idiot. I see neck fat! Back when The Wife and I were merely dating, and broke up, I lost about 40 pounds. Over the course of our eight-plus years of marriage, there's been a...