Why In God's Name Are You Moving Again?

Our new-old front yard. I hate moving. Since the age of 18, I've moved 17 times. I've owned two homes and had a driver's license in five states. The Wife and I don't have a clothes dresser because they are too much of a hassle to move. There will be an 18th move. On Tuesday, I was offered and accepted a full-time job as a copy editor at the Portland Press Herald (on the condition I pass a drug test -- do they test for caffeine?). I worked there part-time for two years while TW was in graduate school. So what's changed in the last year? Only pretty much everything. If you've only ever visited Boston as a tourist, this move makes no sense. Boston's a great town. We love Boston. We also don't love living here. This is a confluence of three factors: LOGISTICS Our landlords have us in an iron-clad lease. If you sign up for a year, you owe a year of rent. Our lease runs out at the end of June and the landlords want a full-year lease. So we want to go. We consi...